Tuesday, November 6, 2012

It's a Bird by Steven T. Seagle Part 3 Analysis

Written parallel or Contrast:
Steven may not be the most consistant or relilable person in the world, but he has been adiment on his opinion of Superman. On page 32, Steven says "I know it's a challenge. But Jeremy doesnt know that I will win. I'll take Superman head on." He makes true on his promise. Later in the section, he talks to the current author of Superman, Joe Allen. This conversation turns hostile, "He's not showing us what we can be because we can't be from another planet, have x-ray vision, flight, or super-strength." He ends up punching the guy. He really sticks to his hatrid of Superman, and refuses to give up on his stance.

Visual Parallel or Contrast
Before the cutaway "Red, Yellow, Blue" there has been very little dramatic coloring of the novel. After Seagle establishes red as a masculine color, of life and fire. After that set of pages, red begins to appear at a much higher frequency. Now red is used on Steven to accent anger or frustration. It appears when he is having his fight with Joe Allen and talking about his familys past in his aunts house. This accent really stuck out to me, as it not only shows how he is feeling, but is also a part of Superman within him.

Images and Visual Details
An interesting plot detail arises during that same conversation with Joe Allen. Steven the author decides to have the weather conveniently change. As the conversation gets more cloudy, so does the sky (zing!). In this conversation, the shots are rarely straight on, and if they are then its an extreme close up. These shots really show an intensity in the conversation. He uses dutch angles and disfocused shots to show this anger and rage from the POV of the main character.

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