Thursday, October 25, 2012

LA Confidential & Double Indemnity Shot Analysis

So I'm kindof cheating with this, but I have four shots to analyze.

These two shots compare the small town characters in the two films. Lynn and the Medford Man both look very simple and plain. Not low class but definatly not as formal as Keyes. This shows a side of Lynn that she shows only to Bud, because it is hard for a small town person, to make it in a big city like LA in this time period.

 But Lynn has two sides to her, the second is much more public and successful.
However, it is easier to make it in this world as a femme fatale. Notice how the eyes of both Lynn and Phyllis are brutally focused. This look shoots evil into the audience, and really gives a different look of Lynn. She looks like a completely different person when she is with Bud and when she is trying to get by.

1 comment:

  1. Mike, good ideas here. Make sure you label shots, though. CU, MCU, etc. Also, let's start using physical details within the shots -- make up, clothing, lighting to take your analysis even farther.
